Florida’s Nature Gems


    Florida abounds in natural gems which can be your perfect low-key getaway on a tranquil weekend.

    Ginnie Springs

    Ginnie Springs Outdoors is located approximately 6.5 miles northwest of High Springs, on the south side of the scenic Santa Fe River. With its crystal blue waters and a limestone bottom,  Ginnie Springs has attracted generations of cave divers and open-water divers. Areas for scuba-diving, snorkeling and swimming invite water enthusiasts for uplifting adventures. Ginnie Springs is an authentic natural paradise, with its mix of cypress and hardwood trees, enlivened by the sounds of wading birds.

    Ginnie Springs, Florida

    Falling Waters State Park in the Florida Panhandle

    Falling Waters, a 173-acre park in the Northwest Florida’s Holmes County, has become well known among locals and tourists thanks to its scenic waterfall, which can be heard 100 yards away.

    The Wire Grass boardwalk trail  descends to a spot where one can feel the refreshing mist off the water. A high platform is available to those who want to observe the waterfall from the distance.

    Falling Waters State Park

    A butterfly garden is one of the park’s newest and most attractive additions, featuring queen, monarch, emperor, swallowtail and dogface butterflies.

    With its white-sand beach and clean water, the two-acre lake is also good for swimming. Bass, catfish and bream are available for fishermen with a valid Florida fishing license.

    Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary

    You’ll find Florida’s most picturesque and extensive boardwalk hike at Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, meandering 2.3 miles through an old cypress forest.  Corkscrew Swamp contains the largest stand of virgin bald cypress in the world, with some unique trees up to 600 years old. Plenty of benches and shadowy spots promote a healthy, tranquil walking adventure.

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    Kitty Tavares de Melo é uma visionária do jornalismo e um pilar da mídia brasileira no exterior. Globalmente experiente, sua perspectiva em geopolítica é tão ampla quanto profunda. Atualmente, como Publisher e Editora-Chefe da Florida Review, e Presidente da Florida Review Foundation, Kitty não apenas preserva o legado da revista, mas também a impulsiona para o futuro digital. Seu toque mágico se reflete na seleção eclética dos tópicos abordados, mantendo a publicação relevante e engajante na era moderna.

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